Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Live the Dream
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Night Life
Liquor, music, lights...enter dancing, fun, excitement. Here there is a space, a void, an emptiness inside. I seek to know others, to experience others, to engage with others. It seems to be a war waging where unwanted attention comes but desired attention feels unreachable. However amid the chaos, the battle, the mingling, a goal is forged, a sense of worth is established. My amazement is amazing, my energy is energizing. I embrace a cyclical nature in life. Good begets good. Strength begets strength. There must be others out there who feel breathe and live change, chaos, revolution. There must be more to this movement then my own self. We are many who together make one, but blessed be the individual in all the commotion. Blessed be, you and me, and eternity.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
A Moment
Taking on new projects in addition to acclimating to being more active have been filling my attention. Today I am choosing to take some time for me, to clear my space, and mind. My dreams have been lighting up with grand possibilities, and I want to be ready for them when they come to be.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Artist Statement
An exploration I could only process by manifestation of visual images. Words could only contour the shadows left in the wake of these esoteric divinations, my art however could express where the arcane intersects with the everyday. There is a recognition and exploration of the darkness and chaos. A level of understanding that is deep, disturbing, awakening and humbling.
Research and investigation inspire each piece. Connections between areas of science, philosophy, architecture, mathematics, sacred geometry, spirituality, myth, and most importantly, the human condition. Patterns and layers play a great role in the merging of these concepts.
My arts manifests outside of myself, where I could consider them from another angle. . My art and I have a conversation, and the final piece is the trace that is left over from that process. Materials can be wide and varied, often multiple types of media in each piece.
If I were to choose a goal, something I'd like my art to accomplish it would be to awaken and enlighten others. To bring them into a space in their mind that shifts just enough away from conditioned reality, to give them a peek into the strange and mysterious, so they will know that there is something else out there to be discovered. I guess technically I'd like to boost a viewer’s curiosity and abstract thinking.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Saturn falls and The Lord of Gain arrives.
In a recent vivid dream I was driving home from a vague location of strange interactions and I saw what looked like a meteor sized version of Saturn crash to earth and light up the landscape. The moment was filled with deja vu thinking I'd seen it twice before. Then a familiar pattern of light emerged in the sky. I recognized it from the Thoth Tarot Deck, the 9 of disks. At it's simplest the Lord of Gain means what we give is what we get back and hard work paying off. Saturn "Standing on the perimeter of our personal cosmos it is also considered dark, incapable of receiving or generating much luminosity. The absence of light further defines it as heavy, inclined to fall or weigh down - gravity and grave are two words that respond directly to its essentially serious, ponderous and somber nature. " -source
I feel almost in awe of the impact of this vision. It's exactly the change from serious and careful labor to a payoff of that effort that I've been hoping to see in my life. It's time to make each day count, to have fun and excitement living the dream. It might not be smooth sailing from here on out, but it will be a grand adventure.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
If there were another me
I could see myself from the outside.
I would partner up with myself on projects, sharing the work.
I could make a band of me.
I would always have someone who understands.
I could be there for myself when things were tough.
I would cook for myself while I fixed things around the house.
I could braid my hair easily.
I would go on many adventures.
I could encourage myself to go farther.
I would let myself relax while I did something nice for myself.
I could work twice as fast.
I would treat myself the way I want to be treated.
I could be happier.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
To quote or not to quote...
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Veritas et Virtus
"Your Virtue is Nonattachment. When we are present and abiding in our True Nature, we do not cling to anything, inner or outer. What do you need to let go of to experience Nonattachment today"
-Thought for the day emailed to all Enneagram Type 5's from the Enneagram Institute.
What's interesting about this is that prior to reading it I just finished meditating an affirmation that I accept and appreciate whatever kindness and friendship I am given and want not for more or specific interactions. I choose to accept others as they are and choose to not seek to figure people out as Type 5's tend to do.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Ani Defranco Therapy
"They could call me crazy if I fail
all the chance that I need
is one in a million they could call me brilliant
if I succeed."- Swan Dive
"we are all poly-lingual
but some of us pretend
there's virtue in relying
on not trying to understand
we're all citizens of the womb
before we subdivide
into sexes and shades
this side
that side" - Work your way out.
In recent days these anxieties and overwhelming energies feel like I'm caught in the center of a storm and I'm trying to find the calm eye at the center to stand firm in. It reminds me of a talk I was listening to by Terrence McKenna where he said that Shamans would re-direct a tornado away from the town by eating the hucha of the tornado. This was an act of empathy with the heavy energy that dwelt within the storm, it could also be described as the shadow or the subconscious.
A storm exists within and around me, perhaps I'm just feeling a chaotic state in my toroidal field, I've known for a time that I am in a transition. It feels like the anxiety is tearing it's way out of me from the inside, breaking open the cacoon of protective numbness that kept me sane in the rough days that have now past. In a way I'm breaking free, evolving, re-distributing order through chaos. It's time to return to living on the edge, to making progress and change rather then stagnating.
All the same, I feel sick, I need my insides to become my outsides and vomit forth art and meaning. The path of divination from source through this body has been clogged for so long, it's going to get ruthlessly distorted and mad before it runs clear and I'm going to do things that are bad before I get near, to the metaphor, to the edge, to the place where things are interesting and revolving, never to settle, never to be done.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Exploring Polyamory
Admittedly I attempted marriage once upon a time. When I was still filled with false representations of what it meant to love, be loved and live a "happily ever after." It's really just a piece of paper that tells the government you have agreed to take financial responsibility for one another, that's it. It's symbolic of a pattern of behavior that has been trained to citizens of large governments for a long time. That's why so many people cheat, because they made a promise they didn't really mean based on an ideal that doesn't really fit us.
The truth must be told. It's been a long and rough journey trying to explain to so many how lying is worse then anything you could possibly lie to me about. So many would rather live in a fantasy then face the truth, but not me. I think it all needs to be put out in the open, I am free to make my own choices, do not try to decide things for me, including who I am and how I will react to things. I will always be upset at being lied to, but rarely upset at you for making the choice you made even if it resulted in unfortunate consequences, it was your choice, why lie?
It's good to be part of a larger community. Everyone deserves the experience of others. How many times have you or someone you know complained about a significant other creating rifts between friends, business partners, family even. If you really care about someone you will be thrilled they made new friends at work, that they want to spend time with siblings. That they can discuss their favorite subjects with friends from yoga class over a cup of coffee. Not treat them with contempt for daring to leave you free to pursue your own adventure, and that is how people should see their free time; the right time to pursue their own interests.
What is wrong with enjoying time with someone without labels or expectations? I proudly participate in platonic friendships just as I proudly participate in no strings attached sexual or romantic flings. As a bisexual I'm sometimes faced with the judgment that I must want to sleep with everyone, far from it. I enjoy platonic friendships and work associations with all sorts of people. Part of that may just be my accepting nature but I think I also recognize that not everything has to be a mating game, people can come together for work, pleasure, sport, celebration, any old reason and it doesn't have to involve sex, nor control, nor lies and manipulation. It doesn't have to be the way you see it on TV or the way that someone else says it should be.
"Compersion is the opposite of jealousy. In simple language Compersion is the love we feel when others feel love. It is the pleasure we feel when others feel pleasure. It is that vast landscape of pleasure and intimacy beyond jealousy. It is the emotional expression that what we want for our loved ones more than anything is their happiness and fulfillment. Compersion recognizes people for who they really are rather than for whom we might want them to be. Compersion recognizes that autonomy, not control, is the way of the lover."- THE 12 PILLARS OF POLYAMORY
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Enneathought for today
I receive a daily inspirational based on being a type 5 in the Enneagram. Today it' struck a deeper cord.
"Holy Omniscience gives us perfect clarity. When we are present and abiding in our True Nature, our minds become clear, and we know the immense, brilliant intelligence of Essence."
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Plugged In
I've been noticing a majority of the people around me are plugged in almost all the time. Being aware and present in the waking world has become a lonely place even when in public. There really is no one to talk to, they are all having a conversation on facebook or some other time consuming meme sharing place. No one is even coming up for air.
I'm glad I'm no longer engaged in this way, I've devoted myself to pursuing more intellectual pursuits when engaged with the internet. Finding forums about topics that interest me, contributing to sites I lost touch with such as Deviant Art. Avoiding places where people go to chit chat, try to hook up, and complain about not having some perfect movie made life.
These days I'm talking to paper with my pen, listening to authors as my inner voice speaks their words. It's an inspiring place, but it's made of ink, paper and my mind. There aren't living things here except when I dream. That's when I interact with others.
In the end it's always their decision whether to take the red pill or the blue pill.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Don't confuse me with those girls from the movies.
Friday, February 7, 2014
The words flow with the booze.
I have seen many movies representing writers so distant and sullen, with a stiff drink in hand and an unkempt appearance. I'm not much of a writer, yet I have been feeling that way. Milling over stagnant thoughts looking for inspiration to make the next manifestation flow forth from the depths of some dark mysterious universal source like a radiant chthonic hologram that oozes rather then shines through the minds eye. All the while tuning out the ticking time, objects, staged actions that other people are so wrapped up in they believe its is a pure reality without question.
I have to question, everything, all the time. A myth or metaphor might bring you closer but at some point you have to feel and experience the truth. At first it's scary, perhaps bitter, sadness can pervade ones mood in the early stages of lifting the veil... Then it's a quick slide into madness, perhaps a feeling of frenzy. That's when the self medication comes in. Lubricating the channel from subconscious to the hands, perhaps bypassing the filters of conditioning of appropriateness, of the politically correct. By any means necessary.
As I sip my wine, not really taking into account why the fermented fruits of mother earth should have such an effect on our processing of her mysteries, I still do no think of myself as a writer. I do however realize that when the spirits are flowing, the words begin to develop shape around the intangible, the indescribable, that feeling that lurches and twitches inside. The gasp for air, and the drive that carries you through the worst pains and the roughest days. Our carelessly forgotten collective exhalation.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
20 hours
My attempts to explain myself to the people and the world around me get distorted. Something I miss about creating art is that my materials and I would have a conversation, and what I had to show was the result. It was always fueled by research, something I'm having a habit of doing again.
In a TED talk I watched recently a researcher presented his calculation of how many hours of practice it takes to learn something. The result was 20 hours. This inspired me to begin charting my progress in various areas I have been working on. One of these is sign language, another video editing.
I will have some work to show for it very soon.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Thank you light of day.
Finally I have stopped feeling the need to communicate and be heard by other people. It's been a failed experiment. My art and I have wonderful conversations, together gaining a deeper understanding of the world.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Becoming Insane
There are many who would say I have been crazy a long time. I would frequently be inclined to agree. Preferring not to make the distinction between insanity and genius. Much of my art and research have been devoted to this phenomenon. The intuitive entrance into the sacred mysteries. As I meditate and learn more about source, about becoming myself, I've also reconnected with a part of me that once carried a strong sense of purpose. During this recent transformation I have fell out of touch with the people currently in my life. I have withdrawn in order to evolve a little further in mind and spirit.
In the last couple months if I go a day or two without meditation, I fail to maintain my composure and make myself out to appear stark raving mad. Sure, the ridiculous social constructs we live in are ever more inappropriate and madness is better than compliance, but that doesn't make it feel any less like a fault. The conditioning must be burned out by any means necessary. To pursue my destiny properly I need to make major changes in my life.
To continue down the path of devotion to living the dream, I must practice daily raising my vibrations to a higher dimension. Stop allowing emotions, the words and actions of others, and the tides of the universe to impact me in a stressful and erratic manner. It would be preferable to get in sync with the subtle energies of my ethereal self.