Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Eyes Have it.

I didn't know you didn't want to know.

The spiritual turbulence in these paradigm shifting days
Has me embracing change in many ways
While destroying the pain and habits of the past I know
I forgot to flow and fought the undertow
Igniting so much chaos, I cannot remain steadfast in this
There is no way to orientate oneself in the abyss
Trying to do things differently
Didn't work out so well for me
The silver lining is a needle of truth in a haystack of pain
How people are and how I perceive them are often not the same
Time to dig deeper and seek out the visions
Which inspire me to create elaborate manifestations
Time to live the dream and figure out what I really need
To break up the foundation of what came before and plant the seed
... of what is to be.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Delirious Daydreams

I'm not sure if I'm living in a daydream
Or if a daydream is living in me
What is yet to be, has yet to be, and cannot be seen
Blind in my faith, bound in my intuition
I strive forward with emotional vision
Letting the flow of the universe make my decision
Somehow, somewhere inside, I know what I seek
The Gnosis of delirium reaching it's peak
Entering a new paradigm, unveiling it's mystique
Embracing chaos and riding the storm
Laughing and dancing as the clouds take form
Creating elements of change with which I adorn
This body, an illusion, built in a hologram
These veins and intestines aren't all that I am
From source, light and stardust is where we began