Monday, October 30, 2017


He only loves me when he's drunk
So perhaps it's not real
Perhaps he's conflicted in his interest
Not sure of what he feels

Or his self defeating doubts
Get taken out on me
I should listen to my friends
Who tell me to flee

Far from the pull of his voice
Far from the center of my dreams
He only loves me when he's drunk
While I love him unconditionally

I deserve to be honored
To be treated with respect and care
The integrity of the truth
Being shared anytime, anywhere

I won't settle for less than I'm due
Even though I can't help how I feel
He only loves me when he's drunk
Every day it's becoming more real

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

One Love

When you experience the realization that we are all one existence, one unified field. Then the success of others becomes your success and you can celebrate the rockstar or model or whomever is living your dream.  You can also empathize with those who are downtrodden, the  unfortunate who's life just doesn't seem to go right and they bear a lot of work and weight on their shoulders. With this way of thinking, there's no cause for envy,  and there's a very real reason to help others and lift them up because they aren't actually others they are just iterations of you. Remembering this can improve your relations at work, home or wherever you go.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Mostly when I drink too much...

When life seem to be piling up and weighing on me, when I can't figure out why the world, people, situations, are unnerving me. When being triggered is easier than usual... I always realize that I haven't been practicing yoga, nor writing, nor doing any of my usual activities that center and ground me. Without regular stretching and checking in with my body I end up cramped, aching, and thus easily annoyed or frustrated. Without regular writing I don't have the opportunity to flush all the thoughts that stream through my head. When they linger they mutate and end up twisted into a monster that I don't recognize as my own thought any more. As an artist I often have an open channel to that which is not of this world, something beyond myself. All my thoughts, emotions, physical sensations are in over drive. I'm screaming full speed down a lost highway of daydreams, deamons and darkness. I usually treat this over stimulation with mosh pits, marijuana or booze. If I'm lucky I channel it into art and exercise. Exercise connects me to the physical vessel I inhabit which brings on a feeling of being alive and helps to clear the excessive thinking clogging up my mind. I prefer the raw feeling feeding directly into artistic endeavors. Wipe away the logic that might hinder or redirect the flow of divinity that my hands have a rare occasion to convey. Let go of reality and take the ride. I bought the ticket, let's see this through. I'm not sure how this exposure of my inner workings might help you, perhaps you feel it too. There comes a time, when rhyme is natural and true without trying, no denying we are due... for something beyond our eyes, beyond the lies, beyond our cries, beyond the skies.... 

One people, one cause, one planet, one love...