Saturday, January 18, 2014

20 hours

My attempts to explain myself to the people and the world around me get distorted. Something I miss about creating art is that my materials and I would have a conversation, and what I had to show was the result. It was always fueled by research, something I'm having a habit of doing again.

In a TED talk I watched recently a researcher presented his calculation of how many hours of practice it takes to learn something. The result was 20 hours.  This inspired me to begin charting my progress in various areas I have been working on. One of these is sign language, another video editing. 

I will have some work to show for it very soon.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thank you light of day.

While driving home from work I had sudden inspiration. I had to seize the moment, no more pining over the days when manifestation was easy just because I wanted to create, there was no other alternative to living the dream.  I didn't feel limited by the time and money to which I am currently indentured. This sparked a glimmer of excitement, and I realized I could make a haiku, then I made two.

Can't speak your language
Money, slavery and lies
Lost in translation

Open your third eye
The real recognizes real
Find the truth in the lies

Finally I have stopped feeling the need to communicate and be heard by other people. It's been a failed experiment. My art and I have wonderful conversations, together gaining a deeper understanding of the world.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Becoming Insane

There are many who would say I have been crazy a long time. I would frequently be inclined to agree. Preferring not to make the distinction between insanity and genius. Much of my art and research have been devoted to this phenomenon. The intuitive entrance into the sacred mysteries. As I meditate and learn more about source, about becoming myself,  I've also reconnected with a part of me that once carried a strong sense of purpose. During this recent transformation I have fell out of touch with the people currently in my life. I have withdrawn in order to evolve a little further in mind and spirit.

In the last couple months if I go a day or two without meditation, I fail to maintain my composure and make myself out to appear stark raving mad. Sure, the ridiculous social constructs we live in are ever more inappropriate and madness is better than compliance, but that doesn't make it feel any less like a fault. The conditioning must be burned out by any means necessary. To pursue my destiny properly I need to make major changes in my life.

To continue down the path of devotion to living the dream, I must practice daily raising my vibrations to a higher dimension. Stop allowing emotions, the words and actions of others, and the tides of the universe to impact me in a stressful and erratic manner. It would be preferable to get in sync with the subtle energies of my ethereal self.