Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Artist Statement

The passion within me began long ago when I was a poet. Trying to identify what this extra perception was, this keen awareness of the world within and the world without. Attempting to cope with the feeling of being an oxymoron, existing in duality. Knowing myself as containing competing oppositional natures and wondering how to reconcile that.  This process of seeking unity, balance and understanding initiated a journey into the mysteries of life and the universe.

An exploration I could only process by manifestation of visual images. Words could only contour the shadows left in the wake of these esoteric divinations, my art however could express where the arcane intersects with the everyday. There is a recognition and exploration of the darkness and chaos. A level of understanding that is deep, disturbing, awakening and humbling.

 Research and investigation inspire each piece. Connections between areas of science, philosophy, architecture, mathematics, sacred geometry, spirituality, myth, and most importantly, the human condition. Patterns and layers play a great role in the merging of these concepts.

My arts manifests outside of myself, where I could consider them from another angle. .  My art and I have a conversation, and the final piece is the trace that is left over from that process. Materials can be wide and varied, often multiple types of media in each piece. 

 If I were to choose a goal, something I'd like my art to accomplish it would be to awaken and enlighten others. To bring them into a space in their mind that shifts just enough away from conditioned reality, to give them a peek into the strange and mysterious, so they will know that there is something else out there to be discovered. I guess technically I'd like to boost a viewer’s curiosity and abstract thinking.