"Spiritually the earthly contracts do not have more validity than the one you want to give to them. I mean, nobody is bound to love anybody, nor to keep loyalty for the obligation of a marriage contract, nor for any other cause. What is really wrong is to trick the other person making him/her believe that there are some feelings which in reality do not exist. What is fair is to be honest with what one feels and to act in consequence. In the previous example, since the woman recognizes not to love her husband, the right thing is that she reveals it to him and that, consequently with it, finishes the loveless relationship for being able to live the relationship of feelings with the loved person without the need to hide. There are people who know they are not in love with that one who they signed the marriage contract with, or the commitment to be a couple, and maintain the link for convenience, for necessity, for feeling of guilt or for fear of the reaction of others. We have already talked enough about it. On the other side, there are people who know who they love too, but for fear or comfort, they don’t fight to join with the beloved being, instead of that they prefer to repress or nullify their feelings to not suffer, and they get used to comfortable earthly relationships however they are not fulfilled with them, because they lack the essential, the mutual and corresponded affinity love. They live a life of appearance facing to the outside, and of emptiness and repressed suffering facing to the inside. Be honest with your feelings and make your life to be a reflection of your feelings. That’s how you can avoid unnecessary sufferings. Have the courage to fight for your feelings, because that is the only thing worth fighting for." - The Law of Love
I feel like I've been trying to find the words to explain this exact concept for years. I've questioned monogamy and it's validity/feasibility but what I was really questioning was the standards to which we operate our romantic relationships. The core tool to use here is truth. First recognizing your own truth, deep within, then braving to share this truth with others.
"One has to be aware that true love is free and cannot be forced, it arises spontaneously and it is on that basis of the free and mutual spontaneous feeling where the union will be produced, without the need to exist any obligation or an effort to maintain it."
When we meditate we focus on being. Being here, now, in our bodies, existing without want or judgment or force. The surrender of acceptance. I have come far in my journey to find center within myself. Now I'm on a mission to open myself up to experiences with others. To share myself without being held to it as an obligation. This is a vulnerable place, but a mission well worth engaging in. It takes self awareness, communication and risk. Maintaining autonomy has been more about remembering to focus on my own goals, needs and achievements. An exciting interaction that makes you happy, perhaps makes you swoon, could bring sweeping emotions and it can be easy to fall into all the old traps. The entire process is about breaking the mold, discarding the old patterns and social expectations. I have to navigate my internal compass of honoring my truth. Not everyone is going to understand, but they don't have to. One of my top affirmations lately has been to "honor the process". All is process, every action is practice, success is merely mile markers on an infinite road.
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